Curcio Medie


  • Completa queste frasi con can e can’t secondo il senso del dialogo:

Mr. Green ..... speak Japanese.

Mrs. Green ..... understand the customs-officer.

Mr. Green ..... understand Japanese.

The customs-officer ..... speak English.

Mr. and Mrs. Green ..... open their cases.

The customs-officer ..... open their cases.

Mr. and Mrs. Green ..... come into Japan with the watches.

They ..... go back to England with them.


  • Rispondi a queste domande con yes, l can o no, l can’t, secondo le tue capacità personali:

Can you swim? .....

Can you drive? .....

Can you speak Arabic? .....

Can you understand Japanese? .....

Can you speak English? .....

Can you understand English? .....


  • Esercitati con un amico sulle domande di questi esercizi.


  • Fai delle frasi affermative, come nell’esempio:

We/a nice house. 4  We’ve got a nice house.

I/two sisters. .....

They/some bananas. .....

You/a nice car. .....

We/one brother. .....


  • Fai delle domande con le parole date, come nell’esempio:

you/any money? 4  Have you got any money?

they/a nice house? .....

we/any coffee? .....

I/your key? .....

you/a car? .....


  • Rispondi a queste domande in prima persona con yes, I have o no, I haven’t.

Have you got any brothers? .....

Have you got any sisters? .....

Have you got a watch? .....

Have you got 25 cousins? .....

Have you got a million pounds? .....